Heavy floods due to monsoon rain caused extensive damages and created more IDPs in Vanni during November. The damages caused by the floods as estimated by the District Secretariats are summarized belo...
On 13.11.1993 kurunagar church was bombed by SLAF jets. This bombing was condemned by the world leaders. The pillars supporting the main hall were broken to smithereens and they are kept even today ne...
The Indian Army continued its atrocities against the residents of the Kokuvil area after it was occupied on October 23. When the IPKF reached the Kokuvil junction, they simply directed cannonfire at t...
“On 5th September 1990, by about 6 o’clock in the morning Army men from Kommathurai army camp along with personnel from some other camps as well came in a SLTB bus and entered the premises...
விராஜ் என்ற மனிதருக்குள் இருந்த சிந்தனையோட்டங்களை முழுமையாகப் புரியமுடியாவிட்டாலும், அவரது செயற்பாடுகளைப் பின்பற்றினாலே போதுமானது. அது எம்மைச் சரியாக வழிநடத்திச் செல்லும். அதை அனுபவங்களினூடாகக் கண்டவர...
Even if one cannot fully grasp the thoughts of a man named Viraj, following his actions and ideology is sufficient to guide us. We have witnessed the truth through our own experiences. Viraj named the...
The undeveloped village Vayaloor consisted of poor farmers who got settled from Thirukkovil in the Amparai district. On the 24th of August 1985 the Sri Lankan Army who cordoned off this village entere...
The Sri Lankan genocidal state made no efforts to redress any of the Eelam Tamil grievances. It continued to introduce additional legislation and regulations in the early 1970`s to ensure that the Sin...
Over the last 15 years, Mr. Ranil Wickramasinghe has held power as Prime Minister and President for six years. During his tenure, the Nava(L)kuzhi genocidal Sinhala settlement was initiated. The settl...
Sri Lankan air force jets bombed a crowded church at Vavunikulam on 15.08.1997, killed at 14 Eelamatamils, and injuring 15 others. 10 civilians were seriously injured in another attack at Puthuvilanku...