11.03.2009 – 82 civilians killed within Safe Zone
Mullaithivu Medical Superintend V. Shanmugarajah narrowly escaped from Sri Lankan Army fired Multi Barrel Rocket Launcher (MBRL) shells that hit Mullivaikkal inside the ‘safe zone’, and a 7-year-old child was killed in long distance gunfire near the inland waters in Maaththalan. Totally, 82 civilians were killed and more than 130 wounded. Civilians who were waiting in queue to receive humanitarian supplies were hit by the MBRL and artillery fire. More than 500 patients struggled without shelters and medical treatment amidst heavy rains.

Four civilians were wounded in long distance gunfire from across the inland waters.
The MBRL fire by the SLA targeted settlements in Valaignarmadam and Mullivaikkal. At least 30 were killed in Mullivaikkal and 43 wounded.
13 civilians were killed in the night between Pokkanai and Valaignarmadam.
Within the first ten days of March, the makeshift hospital in Puthumaaththalan received 964 civilian casualties, according to the Regional Director of Health Services (RDHS).
“Almost all the cases were victims of intense shelling. A few of the victims were due to the aerial attacks and gunshot injuries. More than 95% of the victims were from the safe area and 40 children and 79 adults died while being taken to the hospital or during the treatment or after having been treated,” the RDHS said on 11.03.2009 adding that the patients were struggling to find accommodation at the makeshift-hospital.

Source: https://www.tamilnet.com/art.html?catid=13&artid=28699